Senin, 15 November 2010



There is an application to scan a document in Windows which uses multifunction printer. It can scan a document to into pdf with software from multi function printer , There is an applicationn in Linux too. You can scan document to be pdf with gscan2pdf application. The Application is available in Linux Ubuntu 10.04. repository. You can install it by connecting to the Internet . I use Multifunction printer HP f2276 to do this tutorial Here is the steps :

  1. click System – Administration – Synaptic packet manager

  2. Enter your password

  3. Type gscan2pdf in quick search column

  4. Give checklist (√ ) in small box gscan2pdf

  5. Click mark for installation

  6. Click mark

  7. Click Apply

  8. Click apply in Summary Box

  9. Wait few minute Ubuntu still download file and install it into you PC

  10. After finishing it. click Close

To run gscan2pdf

  1. Click Application – Graphic – gscan2pdf

  2. Don't forget to turn on your multifunction printer

  3. Scan your documents to be pdf now

Have good try!

Kamis, 11 November 2010

Software Sources : UBUNTU 10.10

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) into my computer. It has 2.6 dual core processorr, hardisk 10GB.. Cd-ROM 52x, RAM 1GB. Motherboard Jetway-intel. The installation was running easier. All hardware is known well by Maverick Meerkat. After completing installationn, I install wvdial and its dependenciess byclickingg them twice. It was installed through gdebi-installer. I set the internet connection by wvdial. I use Venus vt12 with Telkom Flexi card which is produced by telkomsel Indonesia. Then I connect to Internet.

One thing I did after installing Ubuntu is to complete it with audio codec and video codec. I usually install through Synaptic Packet Manager, but firstly I have to choose the repository through Software Sources. Shame ! I did not find Software Sources in Ubuntu 10.10 where it is. I browsed in Ubuntu wiki I found how to reveal The Software Sources. Here is the steps:

The first one way

- Right click in center Aplication-Places-System – Left click Edit Menus – Main MenusAdministration - Left click Software Sources or give check list mark ( Ð ) - Close

Now you can click SystemAdministrationSoftware Sources. It is below Printing menu or above Synaptic Packet Manager

The second way

- System – Administration Synaptic Packet Manager – typing your passwordSetting – Repositories – Software Sources. Now you find it.

You can choose the repository from the internet.

Have a good try

Selasa, 02 November 2010


Selamat pagi pembaca semuanya
Sore ini saya posting beberapa lagu Ebit G Ade. Saya suka dengan lagu-lagunya yang syairnya sangat menyentuh hati. Syair yang bercerita tentang alam, sosial, pribadi, cinta dan kepasrahan pada sang penguasa alam. lagunya yang bergenre balada masih banyak penggemar setia yang sangat suka lagu lagu beliau bahkan generasi yang lahir era 90-an juga suka. Berikut link lagu- lagu yang dapat anda download, semoga anda menyukainya
1. Cinta Sebening Embun. Di sini
2. Aku ingin Pulang. Di sini
3. Untuk kita renungkan. Di sini
4. Lagu Untuk sebuah nama. Di sini
5. Titip Rindu Buat Ayah. Di sini